Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Guy LaRocque

Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity
Laurentian Forestry Centre
1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380
Québec, Quebec, G1V 4C7

Tel.: (418) 648-5791


Stand dynamics and tree growth.

Development of the ZELIG-CFS model, a forest succession model.

Development of models based on the processes of carbon cycling in forest ecosystems.

Participates in the ECOLEAP project, which involves generating predictions of forest productivity.

Associate professor at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) and Lakehead University (Ontario).


Bachelor’s degree in forest engineering and master’s degree in forest ecology from Université Laval. Ph.D. in forest management from the University of British Columbia.


Canadian Forest Service research projects

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