Research on productivity in natural stands and fast-growing plantations and development of growth models and process-based models


  1. Develop tools for predicting forest ecosystem dynamics from growth models and process-based models.
  2. Gain insight into the processes governing the carbon and nitrogen cycles in forest ecosystems in order to predict the effect of climate change using process-based models.
  3. Study the productivity of plantations of fast-growing species with the aim of proposing suitable management methods while taking economic constraints into account.
  4. Continue the partnerships between the CFS and Parks Canada and the Lower St. Lawrence Model Forest in order to provide tools for predicting the dynamics of forest ecosystems under their jurisdiction.


  • ECOLEAP team
  • Luckai, Nancy (Lakehead University)
  • Annie DesRochers (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
  • Thomas Bouman (Cape Breton University)
  • Jag Bhatti (CFS, Edmonton)
  • Paul Hazlett (CFS, Sault Ste-Marie)
  • Kate Edwards (CFS, Newfoundland)
  • Alex Mosseler (CFS, Atlantic)
  • John Major (CFS, Atlantic)
  • Changhui Peng (Univesité du Québec à Montreal)
  • Wayne Bell (Ontario Forest Research Institute)
  • Art Groot (CFS, Sault Ste-Marie)


Project status

  • On-going

Team members

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