Impact of climate change and forest management practices on caribou habitat in the Canadian boreal forest

This project examines the impact of climate change on the habitat of the woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Boreal population (“boreal caribou”), with an emphasis on eastern landscapes.

Scientists at the Canadian Forest Service are evaluating boreal caribou as an ‘umbrella species’ to assess ecosystem integrity. This study includes field sampling, digital mapping, habitat and population modelling, as well as a decision-support tool for end-users in Quebec, Newfoundland and Ontario.

External team members: Dominic Cyr (Environment and Climate Change Canada); Martin-Hugues St-Laurent (Université du Québec à Rimouski); Daniel Fortin (Université Laval); Wayne Bell (Ontario Forest Research Institute); Angus Carr (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry), Nancy Luckai (Lakehead University)

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