Canadian Forest Service employee directory
Dan McKenney
Director, Integrated Ecology and Economics
Great Lakes Forestry Centre
1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie,
P6A 2E5
Tel.: (705) 541-5569
Dan McKenney is a research scientist and team leader at Great Lakes Forestry Centre (GLFC) involved in economic analysis and the development of geospatial data and tools.
The goal of his team's work is to support the sustainable management of Canada’s forests by focusing on spatial analysis needs and opportunities including data and tools for spatial analyses of the distribution, abundance and productivity of organisms, economic analyses of emerging issues such as carbon, bioenergy and invasive species, and enhanced capacity to examine the role of climate in natural systems and conduct climate change impact and adaptation analyses. The group has also been involved in economic assessments of research and priority setting projects.
The team provides data and results to researchers within and outside NRCan, particularly to other federal departments, provincial agencies and university researchers (and students) and receives many requests for data and advice. Much of the group’s past and current work is highlighted on the web sites listed below.
BSc Texas A&M University, MSc University of Guelph, PhD Australian National University
Canadian Forest Service research projects
- Regional, national and international climate modeling
- Inventory and management tools
- Topographic Models: Development and Applications
- Exotic species risk modelling
- High-resolution maps of climate and climate change
- AshNet
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