Canadian Forest Service employee directory
Deepa Pureswaran
Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology
Atlantic Forestry Centre
1350 Regent Street, P.O. Box 4000
New Brunswick,
E3B 5P7
Tel.: (506) 452-3561
My research explores the ecology and management of native and exotic forest insect pests, including semiochemistry, host and mate finding behaviour, community and population ecology. I am interested in using empirical and theoretical approaches to understand the factors involved in pushing forest insect populations over the edge, causing them to transition from endemic to epidemic states.
B.Sc. Zoology. 1996. Madras Christian College, India. M.Sc. Biological Sciences. 1999. Simon Fraser University. British Columbia, Canada. Ph.D. Biological Sciences. 2003. Simon Fraser University. British Columbia, Canada. NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow. 2004-2005. Dartmouth College. New Hampshire, USA. Postdoctoral Fellow. 2006-2007. Michigan State University, USA.
Canadian Forest Service research projects
- Chemical ecology, behaviour and management of Dendroctonus spp.
- Community ecology of the brown spruce longhorn beetle, _Tetropium fuscum_ Fabr., in Nova Scotia
- Dynamics of rising spruce budworm populations
- Ecosystem consequences of spruce budworm outbreaks under a changing climate
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