Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Richard Hamelin

Research scientist, forest pathology and genomics
Laurentian Forestry Centre
1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380
Québec, Quebec, G1V 4C7

Tel.: (418) 648-3693


Development of molecular diagnostic tools for detecting and monitoring forest pests using genomics.

Work on host-pathogen interactions to gain insight into disease development and to identify resistance-based pest management strategies.

Work on the epidemiology of forest fungal pathogens using genetics and genomics.

Associate professor at Université Laval since 1994, where he supervises graduate students.

Professor at the University of British Columbia.


Bachelor’s degree in agronomy with specialization in plant science from McGill University (1982).

Master’s degree in pest management from Simon Fraser University (1986).

Ph.D. in plant pathology from the University of Kentucky (1990).

2008: René-Pomerleau award for work in forest pathology, Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants
2008: Merit Award, Canadian Forest Service
2008: Merit Award for Creativity and Innovation, Natural Resources Canada
2007: Certificate of Recognition, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1991-1992 : NSERC fellowship (postdoctoral training at Université Laval)
1985: Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology (GREAT), B.C. Science Council
1984: President’s award, Simon Fraser University


Canadian Forest Service research projects