Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Louis De Grandpré

Research Scientist, Plant Ecology and Forest Dynamics
Laurentian Forestry Centre
1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380
Québec, Quebec, G1V 4C7

Tel.: (418) 648-5846


Forest dynamics and ecology of plant communities.

Study of boreal forest development dynamics. Identification of factors contributing to the development of the irregular stands in the boreal forest of the North Shore.

Associate professor and member of the Interuniversity Forest Ecology Research Group (GREFi) of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), where he supervises graduate students. Associate professor at Université Laval and member of the Chair in silviculture and wildlife. Associate professor at the University of Manitoba.


Bachelor’s degree (1985) and a master’s degree in biology (1992), and Ph.D. in environmental science (1997) from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).


Canadian Forest Service research projects

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