Canadian Forest Service employee directory
André Beaudoin
Research Scientist, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling
Laurentian Forestry Centre
1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380
G1V 4C7
Tel.: (418) 648-3440
Development and transfer of methods for spatial extrapolation of forest attributes from remote sensing imagery (airborne or satellite-based), integrated into geographic information systems (GIS). These activities are integrated into the two projects above, from the Ecosystems Intended Outcome component of the CFS Project Portfolio.
The activities support national initiatives such as the national forest inventory or the carbon counting framework, as well as regional or provincial initiatives like the assessment of new remote sensing inventory methods or the characterization of northern boreal forests.
Main activities: Estimation and mapping of key forest cover attributes, primarily forest biomass and standing volume. Estimation varies according to requirements (local and national) and uses remote sensing technologies that range from very high (Quick-Bird), high (Landsat) and medium resolution (MODIS) optical tapes, and also includes emerging technologies such as RADAR and LIDAR. Emphasis is generally placed on the boreal forest. Also involved in the detection of forest changes at the provincial and national levels.
Participates in the Canadian Space Agency’s Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP). Collaboration with various universities: UQAT (sustainable forest management chair), Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke. International collaboration with NASA and European research teams.
Bachelor’s degree in physical geography, with specialization in remote sensing, from the Université de Sherbrooke (1986), and master’s degree in physical geography from the same university (1989). Ph.D. in spatial and geophysical technology from the Université Paul Sabatier (1992) in Toulouse, France, with specialization in radar remote sensing of forest environments.
Canadian Forest Service research projects
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