Fire regimes in eastern Canada: past, present and future


  1. Characterize the past, present and future fire regimes in the boreal forest of eastern Canada.
  2. Evaluate the importance of factors such as vegetation structure and composition, along with environmental factors, in relation to the fire regime of various types of forest landscapes.
  3. Evaluate the current fire regime of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick .
  4. Predict the future fire regime of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick forests under a climate change scenario and integrate the effect of spruce budworm outbreaks.


  • Yves Bergeron (CAFD, UQAM - UQAT)
  • Martin Girardin (CFS-LFC)
  • David Gray (CFS-AFC)
  • Alain Leduc (UQAM)
  • Steve Cumming (Université Laval)

Project status

  • On-going
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