Advanced Forest Technologies


Advanced Forest Technologies (AFT) is a research group in the Forest Resources Program of the Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources Canada in the Canadian Federal Government. This site provides information on current research projects investigated by AFT, including

Information on documentation, presentations, software and how to contact us is provided. AFT research and development activities include:

  • automated, intelligent systems for resource and environmental information for criteria and indicators for sustainable development and the Kyoto Protocol;
  • expert systems and decision support systems for forest resource sustainability;
  • foliar and canopy chemistry measurements and mapping using airborne (AVIRIS and CASI) and satellite (EO-1 Hyperion, CHRIS) hyperspectral data;
  • knowledge-base creation for criteria and indicators derived from remote sensing and integrated resource information;
  • determination of biomass using data fusion of AIRSAR (SAR) data and optical remote sensing systems (Landsat, hyperspectral);
  • visualization and electronic communication of resource information through high-speed electronic networks; cooperative research with remote facilities distributed internationally;
  • forest fuel mapping and characterization by remote sensing;
  • development of databases for image and metadata storage and retrieval;
  • development of policies for access to knowledge through national and international organizations

Project status

  • On-going
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