Herbier de pathologie forestière du Centre de foresterie du Pacifique

Base de données de la collection du DAVFP

Cortinarius saniosus (Fr.) Fr.

DAVFP : 29720
Nom du champignon : Cortinarius saniosus (Fr.) Fr.
Substrat : Soil and Duff
Année de la récolte (a-m-j) : 2016-07-26
Coords. de carte : 56.1469°N, 127.2090°O
Collectionneur : Berch, S.
Auteur de l'identification : Ammirati, J.; Liimatainen, K.
Endroit de la collection : Motase Peak (near Shelagyote Peak), B.C.
Remarques : on ground with Salix stolonifera Coville; field collection 61; cap pointy, gills bright orange brown; Ammirati says "This species occurs with a variety of hardwood hosts, including Betula, Salix, Populus, Quercus and Tilia and occurs across a broad range of habitats, forest as well as arctic and alpine habitats. Your field collections 56, 61 with Salix stolonifera fit this species morphological and microscopically. This taxon may be further evaluated in the future, but for now this is a suitable identification."
Données sur les versements dans la banque de gènes : MG786250
DAVFP : 29718
Nom du champignon : Cortinarius saniosus (Fr.) Fr.
Substrat : Soil and Duff
Année de la récolte (a-m-j) : 2016-07-26
Coords. de carte : 56.1469°N, 127.2090°O
Collectionneur : Berch, S.
Auteur de l'identification : Ammirati, J.; Liimatainen, K.
Endroit de la collection : Motase Peak (near Shelagyote Peak), B.C.
Remarques : on ground with Salix stolonifera Coville; field collection 56; cap chestnut brown, umbonate, up to 1cm diam; stem paler brown with white mycelium at base; gills cinnamon; Ammirati says "This species occurs with a variety of hardwood hosts, including Betula, Salix, Populus, Quercus and Tilia and occurs across a broad range of habitats, forest as well as arctic and alpine habitats. Your field collections 56, 61 with Salix stolonifera fit this species morphological and microscopically. This taxon may be further evaluated in the future, but for now this is a suitable identification."
Données sur les versements dans la banque de gènes : MG786248
Localités de la carte