Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

The current search is by: Determiner

Dennis, J.

Showing 26 to 50 of 78.

DAVFP: 23616
Fungus name: Phomopsis occulta (Sacc.) Traverso
Host name: Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-03-06
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Woods, T.
Determiner: Dennis, J.; Funk, A.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: P.F.C. greenhouse
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23602
Fungus name: Botrytis sp.
Host name: Epilobium angustifolium L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-06-18
Map coordinates: 58.9562°N, 123.2607°W
Collector: Turnquist, R.; Van Sickle, A.
Determiner: Dennis, J.; Dorworth, C.; Funk, A.
Collection location: Fort Nelson, B.C.
Remarks: Vicinity Svenska Plot, Km 13, Liard Highway #77.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23597
Fungus name: Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa J.E. Lange
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-11-26
Map coordinates: 48.5291°N, 123.4741°W
Collector: Loranger, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.; Funk, A.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Millstream Road, Highlands. 2 mushrooms plus larger demonstration sample.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23426
Fungus name: Rosellinia mycophila (Fr.:Fr.) Sacc.
Host name: Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1986-11-30
Map coordinates: 49.2492°N, 122.6565°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Maple Ridge, B.C.
Remarks: Pelton's Nursery. Interior spruce, seedlot 05303.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23113
Fungus name: Pleurotus dryinus (Pers.:Fr.) P. Kumm.
Host name: Aesculus hippocastanum L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1984-11-13
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Carter, D.
Determiner: Dennis, J.; Funk, A.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 22780
Fungus name: Pleurotus dryinus (Pers.:Fr.) P. Kumm.
Host name: Alnus rubra Bong.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1982-10-19
Map coordinates: 48.4391°N, 123.4732°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Langford, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29312
Fungus name: Amanita pantherina (DC.:Fr.) Secr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2007-04-18
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Allen, E.; Dennis, J.
Determiner: Allen, E.; Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Found on the edge of the boulevard on Lambie Drive.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29225
Fungus name: Alpova diplophloeus (Zeller & C.W. Dodge) Trappe & A.H. Sm.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-11-12
Map coordinates: 48.3753°N, 123.8546°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Sheringham Point, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Found on path in French Beach Provincial Park. Alder, hemlock and some Sitka spruce nearby. Fits Arora Mushrooms Demystified and web descriptions.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29222
Fungus name: Russula sanguinaria (Schumach.) Rauschert
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-10-27
Map coordinates: 49.6903°N, 124.4558°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Gillies Bay, Texada Island, B.C.
Remarks: Formerly called Russula rosacea. Found in alder/western redcedar mix.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29221
Fungus name: Suillus caerulescens A.H. Sm. & Thiers
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-10-27
Map coordinates: 49.6903°N, 124.4558°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Gillies Bay, Texada Island, B.C.
Remarks: Specimens taken were from Shelterpoint Park, but lots of specimens throughout north-west side of island.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29220
Fungus name: Amanita smithiana Bas
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-10-26
Map coordinates: 49.3289°N, 124.5827°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Coombs, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Cameron Lake Provincial picnic site.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29197
Fungus name: Boletus barrowsii Thiers & A.H. Sm.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-09-12
Map coordinates: 48.4400°N, 123.3093°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Uplands samples found under Garry oak. Very small specimens, but appear to have classic characteristics. (UTM = 1048537).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28745
Fungus name: Boletus pulcherrimus Thiers & Halling
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2004-09-16
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Uplands under Garry oak. Same spot as B. barrowsii & B. appendiculatus.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28743
Fungus name: Boletus appendiculatus Schaeff. Non ss. Rick.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2004-09-15
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Uplands under Garry oak. Same spot as B. barrowsii. Sample for DNA work taken by Dr. Ka working with Dr. R. Winder.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28694
Fungus name: Peziza violacea Pers.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2004-05-20
Map coordinates: 49.9407°N, 119.5783°W
Collector: Winder, Richard; Roke, G.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Chase, B.C.
Remarks: Study of morels produced after fire. Just above park boundary. Workshop of Southern Interior Mycological Society (SIMS). Smooth spores, full bluing of asci. paraphyses granular contents in tip.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28033
Fungus name: Mucronella pendula (Massee) R.H. Petersen
Substrate: Wood, Softwood
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-02-16
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Kope, H.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Francis King Park, under BC Hydro power line Stanchon #12. Douglas-fir stump. Fits description by E.E. Tylutki (Mushrooms of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27878
Fungus name: Stropharia coronilla (Bull.ex Fr.) Quélet
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-22
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Unknown
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: IG463, casual macroscopic identification, description included with collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27848
Fungus name: Lycoperdon foetidum Bonord.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-10-27
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Unknown
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: IG643, casual macroscopic identification, description included with collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27795
Fungus name: Hygrophorus pudorinus (Fr.) Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-11-01
Map coordinates: 48.4356°N, 124.0140°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Jordan River, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Northwest of China Beach. Spruce present. Collection for SVIMS show.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27694
Fungus name: Russula mariae Peck
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-11-10
Map coordinates: 48.7942°N, 124.1573°W
Collector: Outerbridge, Astra
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Mesachie Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Found during a foray to collect specimens for the Peninsula Garden Club demonstration and lecture. Spore print = light creamy-yellow, cuticle 1/4 peel, KOH red, flesh grey. Christine Roberts (Ph.D. student) concers with identification.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27693
Fungus name: Hydnum fuscoindicum K.A. Harrison
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-11-10
Map coordinates: 48.7942°N, 124.1573°W
Collector: Dennis, M.; Spears, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Mesachie Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Found during a foray to collect specimens for the Peninsula Garden Club demonstration and lecture.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27662
Fungus name: Tricholoma apium Schaeff.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-10-07
Map coordinates: 50.2132°N, 126.5472°W
Collector: Wall, R.; Berch, S.; Ehlers, T.; Winder, Richard
Determiner: Winder, Richard; Dennis, J.
Collection location: Woss, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Collectors affiliations: SB - BC MoF, RW - CFS, TE - private consultant, RWall - Private consultant. Collection from mature/old growth Hw/Fd stand (stand type: 8315-13). Stand age 141-250 years. On Nimpkish Back Road. Site 3.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27641
Fungus name: Tricholoma apium Schaeff.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-10-07
Map coordinates: 50.3031°N, 126.5426°W
Collector: Berch, S.; Ehlers, T.; Wall, R.; Winder, Richard
Determiner: Winder, Richard; Dennis, J.
Collection location: Woss, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Collectors affiliations: SB - BC MoF, RW - CFS, TE - private consultant, RW - Private consultant. Collection from old growth Hw/Ba stand (stand type 9617-21). Canfor map 6, polygon 23810. On Gold Creek forestry road. Site 1. (1-2).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27427
Fungus name: Leccinum holopus (Rostk.) Watling
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-09-25
Map coordinates: 54.0133°N, 122.3133°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Prince George, B.C.
Remarks: Birch bog at the base of a hollow below Tabor Mt. Douglas-fir seed collection area. Pink staining flesh with green stains at the base of the stipe.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27285
Fungus name: Amanita novinupta Tulloss & Lindgr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-05-23
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Maides, R.; Maides, K.
Determiner: Dennis, J.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: In an arc near small magnolia. Large Garry oak and Douglas-fir are also nearby. Specimens broken up but very characteristic.
Gene bank accession data: None
Map locations