Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

The current search is by: Determiner

Berch, S.

Showing 101 to 125 of 242.

DAVFP: 28275
Fungus name: Craterellus tubaeformis (Fr.) Quél.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2011-10-01
Map coordinates: 50.1315°N, 125.0288°W
Collector: Wilson, P.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Quadra Island, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1034556, collected from Marina Drive, on ground under Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla, SVIMS Foray collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28274
Fungus name: Gomphus clavatus (Fr.) S.F. Gray
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2011-10-01
Map coordinates: 50.2188°N, 125.1727°W
Collector: Ashi, Y.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Quadra Island, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1034557, collected from Newton Lake trail, on ground under Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla, also reported as found under pine, SVIMS Foray collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28273
Fungus name: Marasmius oreades (Bolton) Fr.
Substrate: Grass
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2011-10-01
Map coordinates: 50.1315°N, 125.0288°W
Collector: Waller, J.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Quadra Island, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1034556, collected from a lawn, SVIMS Foray collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28272
Fungus name: Gomphidius smithii Singer sensu Miller
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2011-10-01
Map coordinates: 50.1315°N, 125.0288°W
Collector: Brettnacher, J.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Quadra Island, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1034556, collected from Valdez woodlot, on ground under Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla, SVIMS Foray collection
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28256
Fungus name: Lepista praemagna (Murrill) Singer
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2005-05-17
Map coordinates: 50.1171°N, 120.2724°W
Collector: Jeffries, L.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Quilchena Creek Valley, Merritt, B.C.
Remarks: Association of bunch grasses, lupins, death camus, balsamroot, sticky geranium and shooting stars
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 25956
Fungus name: Diatrype flavovirens (Pers.:Fr.) Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-04
Map coordinates: 52.8298°N, 119.0038°W
Collector: Callan, B.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Valemount, B.C.
Remarks: MOF Robson Valley Survey Trip #1, site #5 Mile 14, side of road off E. Canoe Rd. North of Valemount, 5-3b, fallen decorticated hardwood (aspen or birch)
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 25927
Fungus name: Tremella mesenterica Retz.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-06
Map coordinates: 53.4469°N, 120.3649°W
Collector: Dennis, J.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: McBride, B.C.
Remarks: MOF Robson Valley Survey Trip #1, Recreation site, near McBride, B.C. Site #9 West Twin Old growth, ground in wood under Hw 9-11
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 25926
Fungus name: Polyporus elegans (Bull.) Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-06
Map coordinates: 53.4469°N, 120.3649°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: McBride, B.C.
Remarks: MOF Robson Valley Survey Trip #1, Recreation site, near McBride, B.C. Site #9 West Twin Old growth, ground in wood under Hw 9-18
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 25908
Fungus name: Cantharellus infundibuliformis Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-04
Map coordinates: 52.3660°N, 120.2828°W
Collector: Ehlers, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: McBride, B.C.
Remarks: MOF Robson Valley Survey Trip #1, site #2 Bell Mt. Rd. lower landing 2-2b
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29269
Fungus name: Coprinopsis nivea (Pers.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo
Substrate: Dung, cow
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2006-05-31
Map coordinates: 50.3899°N, 120.3974°W
Collector: Berch, S.; Jeffries, L.; Shackelly, N.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Merritt, B.C.
Remarks: Quilchena Creek drainage.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29346
Fungus name: Hydnangium carneum Wallr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2008-11-11
Map coordinates: 48.5291°N, 123.4741°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Glendale Gardens & Woodland, Saanich, V.I., B. C.
Remarks: Collected at the base of a large eucalyptus tree.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 29345
Fungus name: Tuber rapaeodorum Tul. & C. Tul
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2008-10-11
Map coordinates: 48.6180°N, 123.4719°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Bonito, G.; Berch, S.
Collection location: 7187 Keally Place, N. Saanich, V.I., B. C.
Remarks: Collected near Salix scouleriana (Scouler's willow) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir). Note: Hyphal tufts on specimen surface may have been removed when sample was scrubbed with a kitchen brush to remove dirt. ITS-DNA sequence filed with specimen.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27691
Fungus name: Catathelasma imperiale (Fr.) Singer
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-08-30
Map coordinates: 50.3280°N, 122.5083°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Redhead, S.; Berch, S.
Collection location: Mt. Currie, B.C.
Remarks: Matier Glacier along Joffre Creek (Lillooet area). Douglas-fir mixed conifer forest. DAOM 197457.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27655
Fungus name: Tricholoma caligatum (Viv.) Ricken
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-10-07
Map coordinates: 50.2132°N, 126.5472°W
Collector: Wall, R.; Winder, Richard; Ehlers, T.; Berch, S.
Determiner: Winder, Richard; Ehlers, T.; Berch, S.
Collection location: Woss, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Collectors affiliations: SB - BC MoF, RW - CFS, TE - private consultant, RWall - Private consultant. Collection from mature/old growth Hw/Fd stand (stand type: 8315-13). Stand age 141-250 years. On Nimpkish Back Road. Site 3.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27644
Fungus name: Hydnum umbilicatum Peck
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2003-10-07
Map coordinates: 50.3031°N, 126.5426°W
Collector: Berch, S.; Ehlers, T.; Wall, R.; Winder, Richard
Determiner: Winder, Richard; Ehlers, T.; Berch, S.
Collection location: Woss, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Collectors affiliations: SB - BC MoF, RW - CFS, TE - private consultant, RW - Private consultant. Collection from old growth Hw/Ba stand (stand type 9617-21). Canfor map 6, polygon 23810. On Gold Creek forestry road. Site 1. (1-5).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27132
Fungus name: Tomentella fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) K?ljalg
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2002-12-17
Map coordinates: 48.8854°N, 124.0230°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake Research Station, B.C.
Remarks: On duff under approx. 40 year old Douglas fir in plot 2. (Chio #19)
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27129
Fungus name: Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2002-09-30
Map coordinates: 49.6095°N, 116.9308°W
Collector: Ehlers, T.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Harrop, B.C.
Remarks: Harrop Procter Community Forest, End of Victor Rd, along old Logging road. Site 10. (Chio #17)
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27126
Fungus name: Leucogaster rubescens Zeller & Dodge
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2002-09-30
Map coordinates: 49.6995°N, 116.9307°W
Collector: Ehlers, T.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Harrop, B.C.
Remarks: Harrop Procter Community Forest, Alexander Rd, 1-2 km between Rd and Proctor Ck. Site 1. (Chio #16)
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26720
Fungus name: Lactarius olivaceoumbrinus Hesler & A.H. Sm.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-10-03
Map coordinates: 52.1058°N, 119.2632°W
Collector: Berch, S.; Dennis, J.
Determiner: Dennis, J.; Berch, S.
Collection location: Blue River, B.C.
Remarks: Robson Valley NTFP, Trip #1, Thunder River Rest Stop, 14 km from Blue River crossing Hwy 5.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26714
Fungus name: Hydnum umbilicatum Peck
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-10-31
Map coordinates: 50.5875°N, 127.3755°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Port McNeill, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: V-500 Road off Varney Main along Rupert Inlet, map sheet 53.3, Site F1.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26663
Fungus name: Armillaria ostoyae (Romagnesi) Herink
Substrate: base of dead tree
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-10-31
Map coordinates: 50.5833°N, 127.0931°W
Collector: Countess, R.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Port McNeill, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: O'Connor Lake, 500 m up W-100 Rd, Map Sheet 54.2, Site2. forest cover Hw (Ba). Stand established 1952. Tentative identification.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26560
Fungus name: Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-09-20
Map coordinates: 53.0041°N, 119.3099°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Valemount, B.C.
Remarks: Jackman Flats Provincial Park. Emailed renewal of Collection Permit file number 85700/50. Trip #3, Site 3-2
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26425
Fungus name: Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.:Fries) Kumm.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-02-15
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Pellizon, E.; Steel, M.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: In Second growth forest at Horticulture Centre of the Pacific remanant forest along Interurban Rd. Have digital images when fresh. Cap green, base of stalk green, top of stalk orange, gills pale yellow.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26405
Fungus name: Gyromitra infula (Schaeff.:Fr.) Quélet
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2001-09-25
Map coordinates: 50.4035°N, 118.8997°W
Collector: Test, F.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Enderby, B.C.
Remarks: Collected from upper landing of the FRBC Biological inoculants Project (Berch, Bulmer, Xiao). Miriam Creek site.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26404
Fungus name: Clitocybe nuda (Fries) Bigelow & Smith
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2000-12-03
Map coordinates: 48.6210°N, 123.3378°W
Collector: Berch, S.
Determiner: Berch, S.
Collection location: Brentwood Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: From Back Yard under Cw in old decayed organic matter
Gene bank accession data: None
Map locations